Super 24 vs. Cow Dung: Modern Solutions for Effluent Treatment

Super 24 vs. Cow Dung: Modern Solutions for Effluent Treatment
For years, cow dung has been a traditional method for effluent treatment. However, modern solutions like Super 24 offer significant advantages in terms of efficiency, performance, and ease of use.
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Super 24: A Modern Approach to Effluent Treatment

Traditional methods like using cow dung for effluent treatment are being replaced by advanced biotechnological solutions. Super 24 is one such solution that offers several advantages over traditional methods. Let's explore why Super 24 is a better choice for your effluent treatment needs.

Advantages of Super 24 over Cow Dung

  • Ease of Use: Super 24 is easy to use and requires no pre-treatment. Simply mix it with water and add it to your aeration tank. Cow dung, on the other hand, requires pre-treatment, such as sieving and mixing with other ingredients like jaggery and urea.
  • Microbial Count: Super 24 contains a high concentration of beneficial microorganisms, which are essential for effective effluent treatment. Cow dung, on the other hand, has a lower microbial count and the quality of microorganisms can vary.
  • Time Efficiency: Super 24 can help you develop a healthy microbial culture in just 10 days, while cow dung can take up to two months.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Super 24 is a cost-effective solution in the long run. Although cow dung may seem like a cheaper option initially, the additional costs associated with pre-treatment, transportation, and storage can add up.
  • Performance: Super 24 can achieve a higher COD reduction rate compared to cow dung. It can also help to improve sludge settling and reduce odor.

Why Choose Super 24?

Super 24 is a modern, reliable, and efficient solution for effluent treatment. It offers several advantages over traditional methods like using cow dung. If you're looking for a sustainable and cost-effective solution for your effluent treatment needs, Super 24 is the right choice.
Know more about Waste Water Treatment Division

Contact Venlar today to learn more about Super 24 and how it can benefit your effluent treatment plant.

सुपर 24 विरुद्ध शेण: अपशिष्ट जल उपचारासाठी आधुनिक उपाय

अनेक वर्षांपासून, शेण अपशिष्ट जल उपचारासाठी एक पारंपरिक पद्धत आहे. तथापि, सुपर 24 सारखे आधुनिक उपाय कार्यक्षमता, कार्यप्रदर्शन आणि वापराच्या सुलभतेच्या दृष्टीने महत्त्वपूर्ण फायदे देतात. सुपर 24 वापरण्यास सोपे आहे, त्यात उच्च सूक्ष्मजंतूंची संख्या आहे आणि ते कमी वेळेत संस्कृती विकसित करू शकते. हे शेणाच्या तुलनेत अधिक किफायतशीर आणि चांगले कार्यप्रदर्शन देखील करते.

सुपर 24 बनाम गोबर: अपशिष्ट जल उपचार के लिए आधुनिक समाधान

कई सालों से, गोबर अपशिष्ट जल उपचार के लिए एक पारंपरिक तरीका रहा है। हालांकि, सुपर 24 जैसे आधुनिक समाधान दक्षता, प्रदर्शन और उपयोग में आसानी के मामले में महत्वपूर्ण लाभ प्रदान करते हैं। सुपर 24 उपयोग में आसान है, इसमें उच्च माइक्रोबियल गणना है, और यह कम समय में संस्कृति विकसित कर सकता है। यह गोबर की तुलना में अधिक लागत प्रभावी और बेहतर प्रदर्शन भी करता है।

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